Friday, October 29, 2004

Just when I thought it was safe to "come out of the closet" and show my support for HRC (I even recently sent them -- EEEK! -- a contribution!). . .

. . . they go and do something totally absurd like endorse BOTH candidates in the 13th District race for U.S. Congress here in PA - Allyson Schwartz (good Dem, my state senator who was instrumental in helping pass hate crimes legislation in PA, among other things) and "Dr." Melissa Brown - she of the "radical-Allyson" web site I recently pontificated about. Oh yeah, and she's never held political office before.

'Round these parts (but, apparently not important enough for the Rich, White Boys of the HRC), she's best known for trashing Section 8 housing. Granted, the program could use some re-structuring. But, in trashing it, she's been accused of being a racist, as the majority of those in her district who are in the program are African-American.

This was a big issue when she ran against Joe Hoeffel in 2002. Lately, she's been denounced for running a very negative campaign - so much so that Philly Inquirer columnist Tom Ferrick consistently grants her his "Most Sleazy" award for misleading campaign tactics.

But, enough about her - back to me. I can't believe I had the wool pulled over my eyes by the HRC. I really was beginning to think that they were a decent organization, despite their overwhelming male-whiteness. I know and respect many of the Philly White HRC Males.

Looks like the HRC can't see past LGBT issues in their endorsements; as if us LGBTs care not only about the FMA and hate crimes, but, oh, say issues like JOBS, the WAR, EDUCATION, HEALTH CARE, etc.

Can anyone tell me how best to scrape the "HRC equality sign bumper sticker" off my car?

Thursday, October 28, 2004

From my "mom" hat today (not lesbian mom, just mom):

How much do I love the little bug-a-boo, My Banana? She's reading to me these days, at bedtime. Cute little books from her school with lots of repetitive language. It could never be too repetitive for me.

And, we're watching old musicals on DVD - "Sound of Music," "Fiddler on the Roof," "The Music Man" (they're singing at school). Tonight, she said I have to sing her to sleep with a selection of tunes from these shows.

Hmmm. . . should I start with "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria" ? or go right into my favorite, the shabbas prayer from "Fiddler" ?

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Ah, there IS hope for justice in the world, after all.

Today on the train, I read this piece that made my day (from the AP):

"A Catholic abortion-rights group has asked the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of the Archdiocese of St. Louis and to stop the archdiocese's attempts to influence the Nov. 2 election.

"The complaint says the Roman Catholic archdiocese violated its status as a public charity because such groups are prohibited from acting for or against a certain candidate." (Geez, I've been saying that for quite a while now!).

"The complaint was filed by the Washington-based Catholics for a Free Choice and cites an October 1 pastoral letter by Archbishop Raymond Burke, who forbade Catholics to vote for candidates who support abortion rights, euthanasia, reproductive cloning, gay marriage and embryonic stem cell research - what Burke called the five ``intrinsic evils.' ''

Hmmm. I wonder who that could be?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Today, I had my election day training with the Committee of Seventy, the local "non-partisan, election watchdog group" here in the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection.

They observe at the polls every election, even the primaries. This is the first year they have enough volunteers to cover every ward in the city, and double up in the larger wards! To give you a sense of it, we have 66 wards here - and about 1,981 polling places.

There's a lot of positive things to be said about this election. From getting out the youth vote, to the debates actually being watched by the masses, to more volunteers than many of the polling sites can handle, to the 527s bringing out different messages than the propaganda the candidates' teams propose, to : actual concern about and involvement in the democratic process by the American populace.

I feel kind of happy about it all. I might not even produce my "voting guide" for my friends this year; they all seem to already be educated about the race(s).

Monday, October 25, 2004

That was me you saw wa-a-a-y in the back at the John Kerry rally today in Philly. By the LOVE statue.

Despite speeches by just about every Democrat running for office this year (and a few who aren't), it was a nice event. Good to see Bill looking well. John Kerry looks great, strong, positive. Patti LaBelle, Da Bomb. (I'm pretty sure she got a bigger ovation than just about anyone except Bill).

Not that I could see. As I said, we were wa-a-a-y back in the crowd. We had a large video screen by us. Thankfully, so we could see all the politicians fight for the prime spots on the stage.

As usual, the police under-estimated the crowd at 30,000; the Kerry campaign organizers, at 100,000. I'm guessing it was somewhere in between, although we did stretch a number of blocks down the Parkway (and onto some side streets!). Go, Kerry!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Just offering up a few Tidbits today, as I am tired from watching the Red Sox beat up on the Yankees last night (hoo-ray!).

  • Speaking of which, just when did we start singing "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch? I miss the good ole' days at Memorial Stadium when we'd sing "Thank God I'm a Country Boy"!

  • I had pondered dressing for Halloween this year as a Swift Boat Veteran For Truth, but I was afraid some folks wouldn't get the joke ("scariest costume" - get it?)., Now I think I'll go as Mary Cheney.

  • Speaking of politics (I was, anyway - stay with me here, folks!), how about Bushie offering, as a solution to the lack of flu vaccine, to import some from Canada. Yet, we're unable to import any other drugs from Canada!

  • So, I thought I mis-heard yesterday when Air America noted that Bushie got an endorsement from Iran. You know the one - "Axis of Evil" Iran. Then today it came out that Iran has a bomb that will reach as far as Israel and even into Europe! Remind me again, which candidate do I feel safer with?

  • Finally, I'm a bit depressed today, as Teresa (Heinz-Kerry) beat me to the punch with the "line of the week" about Laura Bush, "I don't know if she's ever had a 'real job'. . ." I've wondered that, myself.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Today, a Good Judge threw out the case in which PA state legislators filed suit against two gay men who attempted to get an application for a marriage license in Bucks County. While we pretty much knew the suit was quite frivolous, I didn't know about some of the language in the suite, as state Rep. Mike Veon noted in a recent e-mail:

· "Marriage should be restricted to opposite-sex couples in order to promote prosperity."

What ? ? ?

· "Even a woman who has sex with another woman is at substantial risk for sexually transmitted diseases."

I chuckled just thinking about some white heterosexual male attorney somewhere writing that phrase in the brief; until I noticed the word "even." As if, we lesbians are the lowest possible class in the sexual realm and "even" poor old us are at risk - and if we're at risk, look out world! Everyone could be at risk!

Well, wake up world! Everyone is at risk, and if only the Bushies of the world would let us talk about things like AIDS, sex, birth control, abortion, etc. and not just "abstinence", maybe we'd be safer!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Not going to write too much tonight, but this:

I spent the afternoon in a Women's Death Review meeting. This group reviews deaths of women aged 18-55 in Philadelphia and tries to assess which agencies/service providers might have had contact with them and how intervention could have been better in order to have prevented their deaths.

So many times the women either had no one in their lives help them - OR, they had many contacts with various services (drug & alcohol treatment, domestic violence counseling, child welfare system, the DA's office, the police, etc.) and yet they just were unable to break free from their lives - many of which were full of child sexual assault, long-term substance abuse in their families, a history of violence, etc.

As depressed as I was after the meeting, I kept coming back to one thought - how lucky and blessed I am.

Thank you all for being a part of that.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Friday Tidbits:

  • I didn't believe it at first but, yes, there IS a web site called Radical Allyson (as in Allyson Schwartz, my wonderful state senator who is running for a seat in the U.S. House). Paid for by Friends of Melissa Brown, her opponent, they apparently have nothing better to spend their time and money on than trashing Sen. Schwart. Or, should I say, they have nothing good to say about their own candidate, "Dr." Melissa Brown.

  • What's up with those Log Cabin Republicans? First, they can't bring themselves to endorse Bushie, given the whole FMA thing (good for them!). Then, they filed suit in California to fight the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy (also good!). Yesterday, they responded, quite well I must say, to Kerry mentioning Mary Cheney the other night - but also admonished Bush-Rove for using LGBT families as a "political wedge" issue. There might just be some Compassionate Conservatives after all !

  • Speaking of The Gays, it's May Day for Marriage Day in Washington D.C. today - to "preserve the definition of marriage as the union between a man and a woman." Ooooh, I'm scared! Actually, what's scary about this is that its Churches who are organizing this and calling for "Christians from all denominations and ethnicities will rise up to the call." I guess Jews and Muslims and Athiests and Buddhists et. all have their own "call" ?

  • I won't harp on the whole Sinclair Broadcasting fiasco (you all should be writing your letters!), but I will mention some of the companies who advertise on their stations, if you'd like to also join the boycotts/girlcotts : Applebees, Corona Beer, Chili's, Dr. Pepper, 7-Up, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Proctor & Gamble, Taco Bell.

  • Here in Philly. the Catholic Church has begun to distribute the "Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics" - a nice lil' "non-partisan" piece which notes the "the five non-negotiable issues" for Catholics on Election Day: abortion, euthanasia, stem-cell research, human cloning and homosexual marriage (all of which Bushie opposes). Notably absent: two big ones which The Pope Himself has dissed - war and the death penalty (both of which, Bushie supports!). Non-partisan, my patutie!

  • Finally, on a sports note, let it be said here that I am, indeed, aware that Seattle beat the Sun in the WNBA Finals. Seattle is coached by former-Rage coach Annie Donovan who, by the way, could have won a title here in Philly had any of the Corporate Males who make the Big Decisions fought to get a WNBA team here in the 5th largest media market in the country! Oh, no: professional lacrosse, a semi-pro football team run by a rock star, and 2 hockey teams (who won't be playing anytime soon, anyway) seem to take precedence here.

That's all. 'Nuf said. Have a nice weekend :)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Oh, so much to possibly write about. What a debate last night, eh?

From their matching outfits, to Bushie trying to crack jokes and forgetting that the audience was prohibited from responding (thus, dead air), to Ted Kennedy-bashing (twice, by Bushie), then a positive comment about Ted Kennedy (also by Bushie, later in the debate), to some great questions by the moderator Bob Schieffer.

I can't believe anyone thought Bushie did okay last night; I thought he looked like an idiot and had nothing, really to say. Plus, when did we start calling the folks involved in faith-based initiatives the "armies of compassion"? And, along those lines, didn't we disband with "maternity group homes" like, last century ?

My fave Kerry moment: when he dissed Bushie's Social Security proposal to allow younger workers to invest their Social Security taxes in private investment accounts, calling it an "invitation to disaster" that would leave a $2 trillion hole in Social Security. . . mostly because what we pay into Social Security today is used for today's retirees - a concept Bushie doesn't seem to comprehend!

How about I mention Lynne Cheney's response to John K. mentioning lesbian daughter Mary, saying that John K. is "not a good man," and that his comment was a "cheap and tawdry political trick." Actually, he was quite reverent - basically noting that Mary is merely being who she was born as, a child of God.

Lest we forget, it was only a few years ago when Lynne almost bit off Cokie Roberts' head when Cokie noted that Mary is openly gay. Lynnie practically reached over to bop her while protesting that, "Mary has never declared such a thing!"

Denial. It's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Doin' My Civic Duty. Since my boss gave us Election Day off this year (in lieu of the "white-male-holiday" of Columbus Day, which we do not get off), I've decided to volunteer.

I'm not a phone kind of person, so that eliminates my volunteering for, which, locally, is seeking phone-bankers on Election Day to call voters and make sure they've made it to the polls.

I personally dislike having literature about the candidates forced upon me outside of my voting site, as I go to the polls already educated and prepared to vote, so that means I won't be volunteering for the John Kerry, Joe Hoeffel, Allyson Schwartz, etc. campaigns (although, I like all of those candidates and will be voting for them - as should you!).

I thought about volunteering to help at my polling site - you know, with the machines, the rolls, checking IDs, etc. - but the folks at my site are about 90 years old and very slow, and I know I wouldn't have the patience to stay the course.

No, instead, I researched my options and have decided to volunteer for The Committee of Seventy - a really cool "not-for-profit, non-partisan political watchdog dedicated to advancing good government for the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding region since 1904."

That's me! I thought. I want to be a political watchdog! I'm volunteering to travel around to various polling sites to make sure everything is going well, everyone who wants to vote is able to vote. . . basically, Ensure Democracy.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Happy National Coming Out Day. By the way, have I told you that I'm gay?

I've decided that, in future years, instead of participating in Outfest or any LGBT activity on October 11th (and thereabouts), I'd rather infiltrate the community-at-large with my Out Loud, Out Proud Self.

Yesterday, for instance, My Gal, The Banana, and My Parental Units (who were visiting) attended the Chestnut Hill Fall Festival. Chestnut Hill is the neighborhood next to my beloved Mt. Airy, and it couldn't be any more different!

Where Mt. Airy is a melting pot of crunchy-granola, co-op loving, left wing liberals, Chestnut Hillers lean right, white, and are somewhat uptight.

It's always fun when the two mix.

I think, for next year, I'm going to suggest that P-Flag and my LGBT Parent / Family Group have a table at the festival to hand out literature and Be Out and Proud. We do live and shop and dine and socialize in Chestnut Hill and a few of us even work there (have you been to that Borders Bookstore lately?).

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Well, I was able to pull my father away from his beloved baseball games this weekend (both of "his teams" - the Cards and the Red Sox - are in the playoffs!) and watch the Town Hall Debate.

Did anyone else find Bushie's humor to be a bit odd? "I own a forest? Want some timber? Heh, heh." Kind of like a cross between Alfred E. Neumann and Beavis and Butthead (a "shout out" to my Train Buddy Bryan for correcting me on my cartoon references).

He never did answer that woman's question about what things he might have done wrong while in office.

And what was that bit about Dred Scott and private property rights and all? Was he trying to prove he actually attended law school?

While I enjoyed John K., I do admit he stubled a bit on the abortion question, and he could have been more specific on just how bad Bushie's administration has been on the environment (or is that coming in the next debate?).

On a similar note, I picked up a copy of "America: Democracy Inaction" by Jon Stewart and co. Very funny. Right from the start, with the dedication:

"For the huddled masses. Keep yearning."

Saturday, October 09, 2004

In some good gay news this week, it looks like the judge in the Bucks County case of two men who tried to get a marriage license application but then were sued by 12 Pennsylvania State Senators is leaning towards throwing the suit out.

The real good news about this is that the Alliance Defense Fund - an Arizona based organization which opposes gay marriage, among other things (the usual: religious freedom, the sanctity of human life) - has used up some of its energy and funds on this frivolous case which, apparently, will be going nowhere.

You know, I can't even begin to explain here what this organization is like - so I'll just use a few words from their web site, regarding Traditional Family Values (which they support):

"Attacks on family values include efforts to:
  • Allow children unlimited access to pornography over the Internet in public libraries
  • Allow practicing homosexuals to have preference to adopt children and be foster parents
  • Allow practicing homosexuals to serve openly in the military
  • Expose children to explicit sex education materials contrary to parental approval
  • Deny parents the right to raise their children before God as they see fit"

I don't know about you, but I don't want my daughter to view Internet porn at the library - only in the comfort of her own home, thank you very much.

And, if sex education materials aren't "explicit" by their very nature, I don't think the Far Right understands the meaning of the word ("graphically describing or representing sexual activity" by my dictionary's definition).

'Nuf said.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Speaking of rich, white men with too much power who are prone to anger-filled outbursts:

Apparently, yesterday PA State Senator Vince Fumo also knows an "F-word." Not the one Mr. Dick is so fond of, however.

In this case, he used a homophobic-slur-F-word. You know the one. Think "girlie-men" (as spoken by yet another rich, white male with too much power).

I won't go into why Mr. F., who calls himself 'a friend of the gay and lesbian community' (and, in all fairness, does usually vote well on LGBT issues) has the nasty F-word stuck in his brain and on his tongue. I mean, he could have used one of MY favorite slurs (one that does not necessarily deride an entire community) : buttheads or a-holes (with all due respect to any "bottoms" among us).

My favorite part of this story, however, is self-proclaimed Mr. Gay Philadelphia himself, PGN editor Mark Segal apologizing for Mr. F, noting that "Vince is a colorful man. When he gets angry, those colors come running out of his mouth."

Hmmm. If Mr. F. was my friend and he spewed a few anti-gay slurs - in public, while earning MY taxpayer dollars - I'd have my own tirade for him.

Friends don't let friends use the F-word!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

My neighbor, Rog, asked me today what I thought about the Vice Presidential debate held on Tuesday.

Truth is, I didn't watch it.

And, wouldn't you know, Mr. Dick goes on to talk about his lesbian daughter!

I miss all the good stuff!

So, I googled the transcript to find out just what was said.

Oh, just the usual. Blah, blah, blah, I (Mr. Dick) support a state's right to decide about same sex marriage, but I also support The President. [Double-speak]

Blah, blah, blah, we (the Two Johns) believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman, but we also support letting gays and lesbians have benefits. [Double-speak]

[MV note: John E. did not say "equal" benefits here, as John K. often does - domestic partnerships NOT being equal in benefits as marriage. At least ONE of the Johns understands the difference!]

Then, believe it or not, Mr. Dick took the high road and thanked John E. for his kind words about his family (loving and respecting their gay daughter), and left it at that.

What's the world coming to when Dick Cheney has nothing left to say about The Gays?

Monday, October 04, 2004

So, John Kerry promised today to expand funding for stem cell research.

"Three years ago, the President [Bush] enacted a far-reaching ban on stem cell research," says John Kerry's new ad.

Bushie's web site responds with, "The President's [Bushie's] announcement did not ban, limit or restrict stem cell research."

What Bushie actually said in his press conference back in August 2001 was that, research could continue on the 60 existing stem cell lines, but future federal funding would be for research on umbilical cord placenta, adult and animal stem cells "which do not involve the same moral dilemma" as research on embryonic stem cells. That sounds like a ban to me!

I mean, didn't His Cronies actually write his speech and watch that press conference - live on prime time TV and all? I remember it quite clearly (pre-9/11). I was dismayed after it. The God-Fearing President on national TV debating His Religious Belifs vs science.

Let us not forget - whatever may happen from here on out (let's say, oh, he flip-flops and agrees to some federal funding of stem cell research) that Bushie is morally opposed to such research and has allowed his right-wing, extremist, fundamental Chrisian point-of-view to cloud his judgement as president.

And that's just wrong.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Had our neighborhood Block Party today. Here are a few of the fun things we did:
  • Potluck dinner. The most popular item seemed to be the meatballs and the veggie lasagna (NEITHER made by Yours Truly!). . . I helped set-up and I didn't even get to those items fast enough for a taste.

  • Non-Scavenger Hunt for the kids. Instead of collecting items, they had to find and identify features of our block - such as 6-paned windows on some houses, oak and maple trees, ironwork fences, and ant colonies. Fun was had by all.

  • Films at Dusk. Real films, 16mm projected oldies including a Mickey Mouse cartoon I had never seen and the classic Abbott & Costello "Who's On First" clip (still funny no matter how many times you've seen it!).

Not only do we have a great Block Party, but my block also organizes multi-family yard sales twice a year, gives out more candy than you can imagine on Halloween - seeing as we're the first block on the annual neighborhood Halloween Parade route - and even celebrated National Night Out this year with a Potluck Dessert-Fest.

I love my 'hood.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

So, the Phillies fired manager Larry Bowa today.

The Sports Fan in me has This to say about That: bad move.

What? Ed Wade and David Montgomery couldn't find it within themselves to find a marquee player before the trade deadline so we might have a shot at the playoffs, but they found the moral fortitude to fire the most winningest manager in a long while?

Glad I got to the New Ballpark this summer, as it might be a long time before I go again.