I've been so focused on Things In My own BackYard (TIMBY, as opposed to NIMBY -- "NOT in my back yard") that I almost missed the
brew-ha-ha [pun intended] out in Colorado. Yes, the Same State which brings us FMA-author/sponsor Rep. Marilyn Musgrave.
Seems that
"beer magnate" Pete Coors - Republican, pro-life, anti-gay marriage, pro-FMA - is running against US Rep Bob Schaffer, who is also Republican, pro-life, anti-gay marriage, pro-FMA, for the US Senate seat being vacated by Ben Nighthorse Campbell.
Problem is, the
Coors Brewing Company (the staunch liberal corporation that it is)
offers domestic partner benefits to its employees. It also once employed the lesbian daughter of Lynne Cheney, Mary. [Ah, remember 4 years ago, seeing her sitting with her GOP family at the Republican Convention, the camera slowing panning the row and stopping just before it got to her lesbian partner!]
So, Coors has had to distance itself from Pete-y by launching an
ad campaign in the LGBT press noting it's pro-gay policies.
In the meantime, some
Schaffer-backers are runnings ads in stating that Pete Coors is pro-gay, since he lead the charge at Coors to offer same-sex health benefits, promote Coors in gay bars, and the like.
It's like a
mini-soap opera out thar, eh? Stay tuned to see who wins the primary = the Anti-Gay candiate or the Anti-Gay Candidate-who-is-being-accused-of-being-Pro-Gay-but-is-really-Anti-Gay. . . or is he?