Drove across my home state yesterday - 425 miles from our home in Philly to the netherlands that make up
the North Coast of PA. Also known as Erie, PA. Dreary Erie. The Mistake on the Lake. It's a long drive, a boring drive, but
at least we have our luggage!
Sometimes I feel I could make the drive with my eyes shut. But I kept them wide open this trip, and noticed a very interesting thing:
New billboards around the Harrisburg (our state capitol) area which make direct reference to some current legislation. While "educational" in nature, they could also be viewed as "lobbying." Although,
whom, I don't know.
Me, the voter? To call my attention to an issue so I'll call my legislator?
My legislator? While he/she (I have one of each) is on his/her way to session?
Interestingly enough, I saw only 2 - and they both addressed a particular Philadelphia (the "
Big Bad City" as it's known in the rest of the state) issue.
One billboard implored that KOZ (Keystone Opportunity Zone) $$$ be kept out of Center City Philly. The other, not so subtle, billboard pretty much said - in a nutshell, and I'm paraphrasing here -
Comcast Has More Money Than God, why give it a tax break to build in The City? and referenced the legislation in question: HB 1321.
KOZ $, you see, was originally meant to foster development in "areas of economic distress" within first class cities in the Commonwealth (basically, Philly). While Philly does, indeed, have many areas of economic distress,
Center City - where Comcast is building a high-rise office tower as its new HQ - is not one of them.
Nor do many folks seem to think that Comcast needs any tax break (myself, each month as I write out my cable bill, included) - although, labeling the area a KOZ
would require Comcast to add jobs to the City.
And, thrown into the mix - the current PA Gov is non other than Former Philly Mayor Ed Rendell (who most certainly would like to see Philly and Comcast both benefit from a KOZ). Stay tuned, folks,
it's Pennsylvania (and Philadelphia) politics at its finest hour.