Well, hello there. Back from vacation. Lots of day trips, reading, relaxing, fun with the fam. Almost forgot to get back to the Blog, but of course, I listen to public radio all day at work !
Thus, yesterday I got a full Terry-Gross-hour of Mr. Al Franken, he of the Fox News lawsuit for using, as his latest book's title, some words "they" (Fox News) think they control:
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (A Fair and Balanced Look at The Right)."
Personally, I think, if Fox News would like to align themselves with the "lies and lying liars" part of the book title, now
that would be interesting. [It's the "fair and balanced" phrase that Fox News was challenging, saying they "owned" it. They lost. Hee Hee.]
Anyhoo, while I have not yet read
the book, I can say this much about the interview: he is very funny and Terry Gross asked good questions. He mostly talked about The Right Wing Media and how facts are often ignored or misinterpreted in their coverage of... oh, whatever.
Now, this got me to thinking how even the so-called-Liberal-Media i.e NPR, or
any media coverage we expose ourselves to i.e. The Inky, USA Today, MSNBC, BBC, Christian Science Montior, The Nation, etc.... is in someway biased. It's all from a point-of-view (whomever's), and the real trick is to not only read between the lines but try to figure out what's missing.
In a lovely converstation with train-buddy Bryan this a.m. (who plans to start his own blog soon), he pointed out that, for instance, no one is reporting the number of casualties (not deaths) that occur each day as a result of our post-war occupation of Iraq.
It's just so hard . . . keeping up with all the news, trying to figure out what's right and what's wrong . . . No wonder people blindly follow cults, er I mean, organizations like the Catholic Church, or the Republican Party - who tell them what is right and wrong, what to believe or not, and why. It's so much easier than figuring it out for yourself.